From my reading list. November 2016
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- reading: 1 minutes
- Docker in Production. A History of Failure. Definetely an interesting read. Author described some issues he had in past. I would say that it is pretty easy to collect similar set of issues for any technology on the market. But this is just my thought. Commentaries on HackerNews are also must read.
- Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition. Best book you can get about operating system concepts. I believe my university did not give me really good deep knowledge on this topic, so this book helped me to cover some missing parts.
- “The Linux Kernel Hidden Inside Windows 10” techtalk by Alex Ionescu. Explains how Linux subsystem is implemneted in Windows 10.
- Computer Science video courses. List of available CS video courses, published by MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, Brown and more. Currently I am enjoying the course 15-721 Database Systems (Spring 2016).
- Meshbird - distributed private networking. Have not tried it, but looks promising.
- Introduction to strace. Prettly old article about simplicity of
. Tool which helped me a lot with debugging on Linux. - Lobsters. It is like HackerNews or /r/programming, with small topics overlap. Discussions on Lobsters are worth reading.