From my reading list: December 2015
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- reading: 1 minutes
- Provenance - great NES emulator for Apple TV 4th gen and iOS. I also bought SteelSeries Nimbus Wireless Gaming Controller for it. Love NES games.
- Dec 8: How to stop a DDoS attack. FastMail was under DDoS attack (again), this time they published very detailed explanation how they prevent DDoS attack.
- Choosing an HTTP Status Code — Stop Making It Hard. It is always hard to find right HTTP Status Code when you are developing REST API. This guide / diagrams should help you with that.
- Uninstalling packages (.pkg files) on Mac OS X. The good thing about Windows that it provides a way to uninstall any msi installed on the system. Uninstalling application on OS X is not so easy (see official guide OS X Yosemite: Install, update, and uninstall apps). But still possible find all installed packages using pkgutil tool. You can also take a look on discussion on superuser How do I uninstall any Apple pkg Package file? to find some apps/wrappers on top of pkgutil.
- The Bash Academy - add to your bookmarks, something really good can come out from this project.